19 December 2012

And we're having a...


The technician was able to tell us within two seconds of starting the sonogram. :)

Gabriel is very excited to be expecting a little brother.  Since we first told him that we were going to be having another baby, he has been mostly been saying it's another sister.  But starting a week before the sonogram, he changed his tune, confidently saying the baby was going to be a boy.

Hallie, of course, has no idea what's going on.  But seeing as how she carries her "deedees" everywhere already, I'm not worried about what she'll think of a new addition!

Sweet profile.
We have chosen the name Asher for our little guy.  This name is actually what Drew wanted to call Gabriel, but I'd had my heart set on Gabriel since I was like thirteen so Drew conceded like any good husband should! ;)

Asher means "blessed, happy, fortunate."  It really couldn't be more perfect for how I feel, knowing that God has given us another son to steward and raise up to serve Him.
"Then Leah said, 'How [blessed] I am! The women will call me [blessed].' So she named him Asher." Genesis 30:13

And I really couldn't be more blessed.

11 December 2012


(Written this morning.)

Here I sit in the DFW airport... childless except for baby #3, peacefully sleeping in my tummy.

First up on my reading list:  Undaunted by Christine Caine!

Drew has a conference in New York City two days this week, so we decided to make a vacation out of it. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this getaway!

- I have never been to New York in my life, unless you count driving through or a layover, when I had to wave at the skyline from a distance. I don't.

- I love Christmas. This fact is no secret to anyone who knows me. The fact that I'll be in NYC the week before Christmas... ohmygoodness. I'm kind of hyperventilating. Hello lights and Rockefeller tree!!

- I've always wanted to see a Broadway show on actual Broadway. This week, we'll be seeing two. Reason #7893168371 why I have the best hubby in the world. Merry Christmas to me! (No really, this trip is our present to each other).

- I need some me time. I don't require much... just a hotel room (or a Starbucks with a peppermint hot chocolate), a good book (I packed five), and quiet.

- Drew and I need this time to focus on each other and our friendship. Things get so crazy when you have two kids. I sometimes feel like all we talk about is them! It'll be so good to just talk about each other and our marriage.

- I need a break from my kids for a few days. Not because they've been driving me crazy (which they have), or because I'm exhausted (which I am), but because I need a fresh perspective on how much I love staying home with them.

- Lastly... Italian food, New York pizza, street vendor hot dogs, and insane bakeries. Enough said.

I'm so excited.

I'm also SO grateful to my in-laws for graciously keeping my two kids this week so Drew and I can have a little vacation. I don't know if they know what they've gotten themselves into... ;)

04 December 2012

I Like Babies.

I like babies.  So does my husband.  And since we've been thus far successful in making the two cutest babies on the planet, we decided to try our luck and go for number three! :)

How I told Daddy.
Today we had our first sonogram of our newest addition.  I'm pretty sure s/he* is going to be just as cute as Gabriel and Hallie. 

Here are some of the precious pictures we were able to capture:

Baby face!
Little hands and foot.
Hair!  And a Morrow nose!

I'm one happy and blessed mama. 

* Note:  We did find out the gender, but I wanted the grandparents, aunts, and uncles to find out from me personally, rather than through my blog (which many of them read).  Gender reveal on here in a few days!

01 December 2012

The God Who Sees

"Do you see me, Mommy?"

These are words that have come out of Gabriel's mouth many times over the past month.

I was amused at first.  He'd look up at me with an expectant look in his big brown eyes, eyebrows raised in question and I wouldn't be able to help but give a little laugh.  "Yes, I see you, Gabey," I'd say before ruffling his hair.

But as the question became more frequent, the words began to speak to me.  The need to be seen and known is one that is so basic to us as humans!  Was Gabriel's simple request was God's way of letting me know that I need to pay more attention to my kids?  Perhaps.  I'll be the first to admit that I probably spend way too much time on my phone instead of focusing on my children.

But I think it was more than just a gentle conviction.

As I pondered the question, I sensed God tenderly reminding me that He sees me.

Since moving to Houston over a year ago, I've struggled off and on with feeling like God doesn’t see how alone and isolated I sometimes feel.  I’ve settled in and adjusted, but I still miss home and my friends.  I’m bothered by the fact that our kids don’t live close to family.  And I feel like God doesn’t see any of what I'm feeling.

But He does!

He sees and cares!

This concept is one I've known for a long time, but it never became more real to me than when God actually spoke it to me.  It's like when you've read a scripture verse over and over again, but then one day it just jumps off the page, ya know?

I have been so encouraged and I just wanted to share that with y'all.  Whatever you're going through, wherever you are in life, know that HE SEES YOU.  He sees you and He knows you and He is taking care of you.

Be encouraged, friends!
"She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: 'You are the God who sees me.' And she said, 'Truly here I have seen Him who looks after me.'" Genesis 16:13