10 January 2014

2014 Goals

Confession time.

I did not finish any of my 2013 Goals.

Not one.

And ya know what?  I'm okay with that.  There's always next year.

Or, as time would have it… this year!

2014 is a brand-spanking-new year.  I intend to fill it with life and love and faith.  As well as hopefully meet some of the goals that I set for myself!  No slacking off this year, love!

This year, I've included some internal goals as well as some external ones.  We all have things we're working on, so I've added mine as goals for this year.

Okay, here we go…

1.  Read at least 5 books on my working reading list, plus others that I happen to pick up
2.  Blog at least once a month
3.  Organize and decorate my house and get rid of junk!
4.  Design more with TAILORMADEdesigns
5.  Start implementing some of the "Love and Logic" principles that I've learned
6.  Learn how to be gracious in compromising with my husband (read: learn how to not be so darn stubborn!)
7.  Learn to listen to my husband, take his advice, and let him help me (even when it's not about the nail)
8.  Learn how to start giving up control -- with my husband, my kids, and God

I'll post my reading list soon.  I know for a fact I'll read more than five books this year, but I want to make sure I read some off of my "classics-I-haven't-read" list. ;)

Also, apologies for the lack of posting from me the past few months.  I've been kind of in a dry season with my writing -- running kind of on empty in the inspiration department.  Hopefully I'll have more stuff coming for you in the next few weeks!

09 January 2014

Guest Posting at His Ladyship!

Hey, y'all!  I'm guest posting over at His Ladyship today!
The lovely ladies over there have been writing a series entitled "Return to Fairy Tales" and I'm so honored that they asked me to be a part of it!  Head on over there to read about one of my favorite fairy tale princesses and why I want to be just like her!