The more I read, the more I liked the idea.
And yeah, I'm two months late. But that's okay. I read that some people don't pick their word until February, trying different ones on for size to see what they're most serious about. That appealed to me, too. I know that if I had just picked one word at the beginning of the year it would have been grace. Even in picking a word at the beginning of March I was tempted.
Not that there's anything wrong with grace! Obviously. My whole blog is kind of centered around the concept! In fact, if I were ever going to get a tattoo (which I probably won't), I'd most likely get that word inscribed somewhere I could see it every day to remind me to have grace, to be grace.
But two months into this year, I've sensed God leading me to a different word. A bold word. A hard word. A word that requires work and sacrifice.
My word for 2014 is

He's been whispering this word to me for probably four months and it's always been like, "Yeah, I know I need to be more intentional." But then I never take any steps. That's going to change. This year, I need to focus on being INTENTIONAL in every area of my life. Proactive, not reactive.
I'm going to make a list of what being INTENTIONAL means to me and try to work on one item every month. It's going to be difficult, but if I take it one step at a time, I know I can change. And I have the whole year to do it.
Wow, why haven't I done this before?!
I'm going to make a list of what being INTENTIONAL means to me and try to work on one item every month. It's going to be difficult, but if I take it one step at a time, I know I can change. And I have the whole year to do it.
Wow, why haven't I done this before?!
This year, I made lots of goals. And I still feel like I should probably make some attempt to complete them. But they're not going to be my focus.
My focus is on becoming INTENTIONAL.
My focus is on becoming INTENTIONAL.
Wow. Such a good word. I fully believe you can live out this word! With your home, your marriage, your kids, your business, your passions, your writing, everything. :) I think you should post some tips. Or share some moments where you choose to be intentional and experience the benefits from doing so. I'd love to read that!